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T A N V I    M E H T A


In Hindu symbolism, clairvoyance, symbolized by the kaleidoscope, is akin to the fusion of three pieces of glass, offering a gateway to secret visions and distant messages. It serves as a conduit to intuitive insights and psychedelic vibes, embodying the attributes associated with Shiva's third eye. The kaleidoscope, much like Shiva's cyclical nature, generates ever-changing designs and patterns, emphasizing the concept of constant renewal and nothingness.


These symbolic elements are woven into three main aspects, each corresponding to the trinity of 

1. Creation 

2. Protection 

3. Destruction

synonymous with the roles of Lord Shiva. Here, the uniqueness lies in the process: each garment is not merely replaced but undergoes a deliberate and transformative cycle. The initial creation is followed by a conscious act of destruction, where the garment is cut into pieces. These fragments, imbued with the essence of the original, are then meticulously reassembled to birth a new garment. This process not only symbolizes the cyclical nature of Shiva but also underscores the profound idea that creation arises from the dismantling of the old, reflecting the eternal dance of creation, preservation, and renewal.



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