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T A N V I    M E H T A


Hailing from a nation renowned for its rich tapestry of cultures and diverse religious practices, my project is rooted in Indian contemporary fashion, with a name that embodies its essence: Kalpa-Pat. Derived from Sanskrit, "Kalpa" signifies the revered Kalpavriksha, known as the tree of life, while "Pat" translates to textiles. This project draws inspiration from the Kalpavriksha's symbolism, infusing its creativity and silhouettes with the mystique of this mythical tree, while the textiles echo the enchanting narratives surrounding it.


Motivated by profound ideological beliefs, my garments are adorned with accessories resembling branches, paying homage to the sacredness of trees, particularly the revered Banyan tree. Embellished with vibrant threads, these branches symbolize the lively spirit and cultural diversity of India.


Reflecting India's status as a melting pot of myriad cultures, my collection seamlessly integrates traditional attire with contemporary designs. From intricately traced dresses to modern works of art, each piece captures the eclectic vibrancy and timeless elegance that define Indian fashion.



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